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Our mission

As a spin-off of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, our mission is to support industry in its digital transformation. The service business offers the ideal entry point for many companies in the mechanical and plant engineering sector.

Founder & Managing Director

Latest news & updates

SIMPL Mitglied beim VAIS

Official member of VAIS

The service business is becoming increasingly important for many companies. This is why SIMPL has officially joined the Association for Plant Technology and Industrial Services (VAIS) and was present at this year’s Annual General Meeting in Heidelberg. VAIS is a central platform for companies that are committed to a successful future for the service industry. The focus is on motivated people, innovative solutions and a more efficient industrial service.

Raum mit zahlreichen Menschen bei einem Vortrag zum Thema strategisches Servicewachstum

SIMPL meets Emsland

At the beginning of June, SIMPL inspired over 100 entrepreneurs in Emsland with a captivating presentation on the importance of digitalization in service and maintenance. In collaboration with Fraunhofer AHEAD and Cornexion, many exciting discussions and valuable contacts were made.
Buchstaben der Messe ACHEMA in Frankfurt

ACHEMA 2024 in Frankfurt

The world’s largest trade fair for process technology, ACHEMA 2024, is in full swing! 💥 The SIMPL team is on site this week and has already held numerous talks with companies from the process industry. Are you there too? Let’s get in touch!
Artikel aus den RuhrNachrichten zum Startup SIMPL

You can find us in the Ruhr Nachrichten!

A few weeks ago we were invited for an interview by the Ruhr Nachrichten and today the interview was published. Find out more in this article about why SIMPLe software is crucial and why service is becoming increasingly important in the industry.

Zwei lächende Personen beim KVD Service-Kongress

KVD Service Congress together with Wagner GmbH

We discussed how Wagner GmbH is achieving the next digital level of excellent industrial service with us at an expert forum at the KVD Service Congress. There, we discussed challenges, successes and best practices with interested parties.

SIMPL bei der IHK-Ausschuss Sitzung in Dortmund

Invited to the IHK committee in Dortmund

We are delighted to have been invited by the Dortmund Chamber of Industry and Commerce to share our success story. As “the voice of the regional economy”, the IHK brings together valuable practical expertise in the committee for information and communication, among other things. This gave us the opportunity to talk about our experiences in the digital transformation of the service business in the industry.

Vortragsraum mit Menschen bei einem Event des VDI

VDI Instandhaltungsforum 2024

At this year’s VDI Maintenance Forum, the focus was on two topics in particular: 1. the shortage of skilled workers and 2. how artificial intelligence can counteract this. In his presentation, our founder and Managing Director Alexander Kreyenborg illustrated how AI can make internal processes in the service and maintenance sector more efficient and presented real-life examples.
Vorstellung eines neuen Mitarbeiters

New team member!

Our team is growing and today we are pleased to introduce Sergej Atamantschuk 🙌 As a full-stack developer, Sergej is very familiar with the integration of both backend and frontend technologies. He ensures the constant development and integration of new technologies to make industrial services in machine manufacturing even more SIMPLer.

Preisverleihung des start2grow Wettbewerbs in Dortmund

Top 3 in the nationwide start2grow competition

Out of over 400 participants and 90 business plans, the team was able to secure third place in the nationwide start2grow competition. The total prize money amounted to €94,000, part of which will now be used to further develop SIMPL.

Mikrofonübergabe zwischen zwei Personen zu einem Vortrag über Herausforderungen im Industrieservice

VAIS Annual General Meeting in Innsbruck

At the ordinary general meeting of the VAIS Verband für Anlagentechnik und IndustrieService e.V., we were able to present our perspective on the status quo in the field of “Digitalization & Artificial Intelligence”. Many thanks to the entire VAIS for the very successful event and the many exciting discussions in Innsbruck!

Drei Personen bei einer Preisübergabe zum 2. Platz beim Senkrechtstarter in Bochum

2nd place at the Senkrechtstarter!

Our team was able to secure 2nd place from over 150 submissions at the business model competition in Bochum. The jury, consisting of renowned experts from the fields of science, business and finance, selected the top 5 from the entire competition for the final pitch.

Vortrag auf der Messe maintenance zum Thema künstliche Intelligenz

Maintenance 2024

AI in industrial service: predictive maintenance starts in the back office. With this title, Alex gave a presentation at Maintenance in Dortmund on how the use of AI in industrial service can succeed. Where many companies agreed: the digitalization of service forms the basis for this.
Preisübergabe beim NRW-Umweltministerium

Award ceremony with NRW Environment Minister Oliver Krischer

Maintenance meets sustainability! With the SIMPL business model, the team won 1st place in the KUER business plan competition. The €6500 prize was presented at a ceremony at the NRW Ministry of the Environment in Düsseldorf.

Vortrag vor mehreren Menschen in einem Saal

SIMPL accepted at Europe’s most successful startup incubator Xpreneurs!

The founding team successfully prevailed against 400 highly innovative start-ups and was accepted into Xpreneurs, an incubator of UnternehmerTUM in Munich. We are proud to be part of this program and to further develop SIMPL together with experts from all over the world!

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